Series Part 2 - How is video being used? Storytelling (Example 2)

With story being such a big part of business for entrepreneurs and how we connect with our tribe, I had to include a second piece on this one from the most recent story I have told.

I met Crystal of Crystal Ink through an online class we took this year. Crystal and I met up one day to get to know each other better and in the end decided to work together. I loved what she was trying to do through her planners and knew that a lot of people could benefit from the system she had crafted. 

One thing that really made this video easy for me was that I really resonated with being her target audience. An mompreneur with a business and life that are very much intertwined, I gave up a few years ago trying to keep my business separate from my life. What I mean by this is as a creative, working from home with a family to look after, my schedule is never 9-5...I left my corporate job because I realized that did not work for me when my son was born. But this can come with it's own challenges. I was finding a lot of times that I was very much reactive to my day rather than being proactive and getting things done. 


Crystal's system outlined the top three things that I needed to do in a week to move my business and personal goals forward and then outlining each day the top three actions that were going to make those things happen. AWESOME! I will get into how I use this system in a future post because I have heard from others that they are struggling this way too.

But for now, I want to focus on that by highlighting some of these thoughts of her ideal clients in Crystal's brand story, she was able connect to what they were feeling and show how myLife planners could be the solution for them. 

As the video was just released, it’s too soon to assess the positive impact.  However, early feedback indicates that people viewing the video are appreciating what is different about her system when compared to the many other planning products out there. 

I will link back around to this story as we get more concrete results from Crystal.

Here is a link to the full video.