Series Part 1 - How is video being used? Storytelling (Example 1)

People are often confused about whether or not video would benefit their company. So I have decided to break down into a little series how companies and not-for-profits that I have worked with have been able to use their videos and the benefits that they have seen or the intended use for the video.

The first one is the brand film…or story. This is really how I got started. When I met with Beth of Beth Bobbitt Designs and heard her story…I knew that we had to tell it to help customers connect with her and recognize the value in her product. When purchasing art, most people want to be able to tell a story with their purchase. It is what differentiates picking up a piece of jewelry from a department store versus purchasing a piece of art that has been crafted with quality products and from an artist’s expression.


Beth was able to use the film at shows so that customers could see the process that she went through to craft each piece. Customers could see the process that she went through which also helped to add value to the piece. 

They were able to hear that this art came from a place of healing for her and that she truly put her heart into each piece.  By being able to put the video on for people to watch, people could connect to her story without her feeling like she had to “sell” herself to each client. As an artist, I think that this is the hardest part…their art is for themselves but they need others to connect to them through it…a video can do this without feeling salesy.

In addition, Beth was able to share the video as a portion of a submission for a grant to gain funding to begin teaching others the art of metal works and share her knowledge and talent.

Here is the full video.